Arzak + Arzak | Juan Mari Arzak, Elena Arzak
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230,00 lei
Juan Mari Arzak is the third generation of chefs at the restaurant in San Sebastian that bears his family name. Arzak has held three Michelin stars, the maximum that can be awarded, since 1989. It is a member of many of the world’s most prestigious associations and appears in countless restaurant guides. It has also been ranked on the World’s 50 Best Restaurant List since the ranking’s early days. This book tells the story of a family and a cuisine. It takes a look at Juan Mari’s role as a cutting-edge chef and restaurateur, and an inspiration for generations of young cooks. It commemorates the 40th anniversary of the birth of the so-called New Basque cuisine, of which Juan Mari was the leader, a movement which formed the germ of the current Spanish gastronomic revolution, and it contains the most emblematic recipes of the last ten years of his work, as well as the most emblematic of his career. For nearly twenty years Juan Mari has shared the role of Chef at Restaurante Arzak with his daughter Elena. The book also follows Elena’s rise in the kitchen, recognizing the essence of her creative process and the magic she and her father create through the design and balance of plates and menus. This introduction to the close-knit team of visionaries and their innovative recipes offers a glimpse into the future of Restaurante Arzak.
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