Bad News | Pseudonymous Bosch
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37,00 lei
The can’t-miss final installment of beloved author Pseudonymous Bosch’s bestselling Bad Books trilogy, now in paperback! Sometimes plans go bad. A dragon preserve in the middle of the desert? It can only mean one thing. Ariella, known to be the last dragon on earth, has been recaptured by the nefarious Midnight Sun. But the news, when Clay hears it, is even worse: His brother’s best friend Cass has disappeared while investigating this mysterious tourist destination. The rescue mission takes Clay undercover to a crater halfway around the world, where dragons are kept captive for the entertainment of wealthy guests. Or so it seems. Can Clay get to the bottom of the Midnight Sun’s horrible plans, find Cass, and bring them both back to safety? Or will he be uncovered first? Old friends return and new foes appear as Pseudonymous Bosch answers long-simmering questions in his most exciting adventure yet, packed with action, humor, magic, mystery, and the roars of dragons.
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