Brainteaser Madness – My First Activities | amara Fonteyn
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30,00 lei
This book contains nearly 70 exercises designed to allow children age 9 and above to strengthen and deepen their knowledge of simple mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, division & multiplication) as well as learn to reason logically, decipher and look for clues and draw conclusions. The exercises are presented in order of difficulty, which ensures an evaluation of your child’s mathematical knowledge and potential. The book helps students with difficulties in maths to review each year’s programme with a parent or teacher and better understand the essence of mathematical thinking. Each exercise targets a specific problem, asks questions and provides clues for children to find the solution – not in pre-set patterns but by promoting the development of individual reasoning. The book is presented in a fun way for even more enjoyable learning. At the end of the book, you will find comments accompanying solutions to the problems. ‘My First Activities’ are valuable and attractive educational books designed to supplement your child’s school maths programme. The books were written by authors of school textbooks and exercise books and are meant as a tool to strengthen and deepen students’ knowledge both within and outside the context of school as well as a fun and clever source of entertainment. Imaginative exercises, interesting puzzles, engaging tasks, thoughtful layouts, clear solutions, and finally, interesting topics are some of the great assets of this series. Each book covers topics specific to a particular student’s age. The target age group for ‘My First Activities’ ranges from preschool to first-year secondary school students.
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