Deadpool By Posehn & Duggan: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 | Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn
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174,00 lei
Deadpool is back to mercin’ for a living! It’s been a while since Wade Wilson has struggled to make ends meet, but things are tough all over. While Deadpool tries to get his humble mercenary-for-hire business back off the ground, a catastrophic threat so unfathomably huge – so mind-breakingly cataclysmic that it defi es description – is heading toward Earth, and there’s only one person who can stop it! Oh no, wait…it’s not Deadpool, is it? Oh, %$@#. It’s Deadpool. Good thing he has a plan. But what happens when things take a turn for the weird – Weirdworld, that is? Find out as Wade ventures into a realm of monsters, sorceresses, Man-Things…and romance? Is this part of the plan?! Hop back on board the Deadpool train as Skottie Young and Nic Klein reinvent the Merc with a Mouth!
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