Driving Miss Norma | Tim Bauerschmidt , Ramie Liddle
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49,00 lei
‘An uplifting personal story of a year lived like no other’ Daily ExpressTwo days after her husband of sixty-seven years dies, nonagenarian Miss Norma is diagnosed with cancer. When given her treatment options – surgery, chemo and radiotherapy – she rises to her full five feet and says in the strongest voice she can muster: ‘I’m ninety years old. I’m hitting the road!’Driving Miss Norma is the story of her inspirational road trip across the US in a thirty-six-foot motorhome with her son, Tim, his wife, Ramie and their Poodle, Ringo – showing us that it’s never too late to begin an adventure, inspire hope or become a trailblazer. As the journey unfolds, Miss Norma finally spreads her wings and lives life on her own terms for the very first time. With each adventure a once timid Miss Norma says YES to living in the face of death – whether it’s experiencing her very first pedicure or taking the hot air balloon ride her late husband never found time for.With each passing mile – and one hilarious visit to a cannabis dispensary – Miss Norma’s health improves and conversations that had once been taboo begin to unfold. Norma, Tim and Ramie bond in ways they could never have anticipated and their definitions of home, family and friendship are rewritten as strangers become friends and shower them with kindness.Bursting with Miss Norma’s generous spirit, Driving Miss Norma ignites a renewed sense of life, family, fun and self-discovery – at any age.
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