Hegarty on Advertising: Turning Intelligence into Magic | John Hegarty

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115,00 lei

SKU: CE2326657

First published by Thames & Hudson in 2011, this is a book that no creative professional should be without. Written by one of the world’s leading advertising men, it contains over four decades of wisdom and insight from the man who put Nick Kamen into a laundrette for Levi Strauss and gave Audi the immortal ‘Vorsprung durch Technik’, among many, many other highly successful campaigns for major brands. This revised and expanded edition discusses the changes that have taken place in the advertising industry and Hegarty’s own career since the original book was first published in 2011. One new section – ‘Why I’m now parking my ideas in a garage’ – discusses Hegarty’s new company, The Garage. In the other new section – ‘From Unilever to the UN via a llama’ – Hegarty talks predominantly about the ad he did for the UN’s ‘Global Goals for their Sustainable Development’ campaign.

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