In Company 3.0 Elementary Level Digital Student’s Book Pack | Simon Clarke
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139,00 lei
An interactive digital version of the print Student’s Book, and suitable for tablets. It is page faithful to the Student’s Book and includes embedded video and audio, plus interactive practice to provide a rich user experience. Part of the Digital Student’s Book Premium Pack, including Student’s Resource Centre and Online Workbook.Simon Clarke has lived and worked in the Basque Country of northern Spain. Married with two grown-up children, he is a director at Lacunza – International House San Sebastian – which provides language services in English, French and Chinese and has over 5,000 students and a teaching staff of over 90. Back in his early career at Lacunza, Simon was part of a two-man team which set up an independent business English unit. They pioneered a Telephone English system of study which is still a popular option for many learners, and has of course developed over the years as technology has changed. The department maintains an excellent reputation with the local business community, working with companies and institutions as well as private individuals.
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