Influence | Warren Cass
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67,00 lei
Stand out in a sea of „average” and start achieving your goalsSuccess is not only a matter of what you know and who you know, it’s also a matter of who knows you; by becoming a trusted contact and a source of answers, your influence expands – and so do your opportunities. This book will show you how to build influence from the ground up. You might already know that communication is key, but do you understand how different people communicate and how you should respond? Discover the power of networking and gain valuable advice for building the right relationships with the right people – and how to leverage those relationships where it counts.Influence is a powerful asset based on a simple concept, but the actual skills required to achieve it don’t come naturally to most. However skills can be learned and this book provides expert instruction with real-world application to help you get to where you want to be.Master the art of communication and build rapportRaise your profile and manage your reputationDevelop strategic relationships and grow your networkBecome the trusted go-to person in your fieldIf you’re ready to get more out of your job, your career and your life, Influence gives you the guidance and motivation you need to get moving.
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