Limba Turca Harmoni 2 Calısma Kitabı |

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In cazul în care plasezi o comanda cu livrarea In Romania, prin curier rapid, cu valoare mai mare de 150 de lei, livrarea este gratuita. Poti opta pentru livrarea prin Easybox.

46,00 lei

SKU: CE1984240

It is aimed to develop four basic skills together.Language information is given where it is needed to reinforce the theme that is being worked on.Particular attention has been paid to the fact that the contents of the unit are also functional and directed towards the students’ own worlds, interests and needs.Rather than providing students with theoretical knowledge about language, they aimed at learning by using the language through communication-oriented activities.The courses are planned in units, and each course is stated in concrete terms.In the narration, systematic way of knowing, closely followed away from the direction of difficulty and solidity abstract.Far from being taught many things together, it is aimed to teach new words with familiar words, teaching new words with known structures.Books are supported with visual and auditory elements to bring instruction in an effective and lasting way.With the principle that the best learners will be in practice, the books have plenty of practice and play-entertainment sections in order to break the monotony.The textbooks were created according to the spiral structure, and in the next book, some themalas (subjects) which are processed in general lines in the first book, both the themes of the themes and the new words and rules belonging to this theme are aimed to be understood.

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