Myths of Work | Adrian Furnham, Ian MacRae

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87,00 lei

SKU: CE25726468

Buying a table tennis table will make your staff happier. Working eight hours a day, five days a week, will result in the most productivity. Paying higher salaries will always result in higher motivation. But will it really?There are a staggering number of myths, stereotypes and out-of-date rules that abound in the workplace. This can make it feel impossible to truly know how to get the most out of your career, your team and your organization. In Myths of Work, Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham take an entertaining and evidence-based look at the most pervasive myths about our working lives, from the serious to the ridiculous, to give you the insight you need to become a better manager in the modern workplace. Fascinating real life case studies from organizations around the world display the myths (and how to overcome them) in practice.Myths of Work takes the most up-to-date academic research in business and psychology and combines it with practical insights, a lively writing style and a handy dip-in-and-out structure to form your ultimate guide to becoming a better enlightened manager.

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