Pioneer B1+ Workbook |
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43,00 lei
This is a new innovative seven-level series that takes students from beginner to advanced level. All levels are based on the requirements of the Common European Framework of reference for Languages (CEFR) and international exams. A combination of real-life language and life skills are presented and developed throughout the book preparing the learners to communicate with fluency and confidence. What is Pioneer? Pioneer is based on a theoretically sound and empirically oriented syllabus that covers current ELT theory and language pedagogy – developed using authentic, expert input. Our flagship course for teenagers and young adults contains specific natural language that makes the material highly relevant and engaging for the student. All levels have been classroom-tested and have been carefully crafted by taking into account the extensive feedback gathered from teachers around the world. Thanks to its clear approach with a strong communicative focus and substantial input from the real world, Pioneer ensures success. Why Pioneer? • Its intelligent and appealing topics engage learners’ interest and enhance their learning motivation. • It is based on a modular approach containing short, discrete units, allowing the teacher a high level of customisation according to their students’ needs. • The course is mapped according to the Common European Framework, comprehensively developing specific linguistic competency and cross-cultural awareness. • The content has been piloted in several schools and institutions, giving a credible stamp to the final outcome. • Its goals-and-achievement methodology combines with a strong focus on learner psychology, ensuring that students develop self-assessment skills. • The addition of the dynamic online components offers teachers and students access to activities which allow them to practise further using technology designed specifically for language learners.
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