RHS Encyclopedia of Garden Design | Chris Young

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192,00 lei

SKU: CE25696772

Unlock your creative talents and transform your outdoor garden space!This inspirational yet practical gardening book offers you all the guidance you need to conceive, plan, construct and plant the garden of your dreams. Let’s dig in!This fully revised edition was produced by a team of award-winning experts under the supervision of the RHS. It includes:- Extensive design inspiration backed up with practical gardening tips, including step-by-step garden structures and planting techniques- Clear explanations of every stage of the design process, from assessing the space to drawing up detailed plans- Showcases a wide range of garden styles, identifying key elements needed to create the look- A visual directory of plants and materialsRegardless of your experience or budget, this indispensable gardening encyclopedia will help you grasp the fundamentals of garden design, find a style that suits you, and bring your ideas to life. Packed with expert advice, achievable garden design ideas and tons of inspiration, RHS Encyclopedia of Garden Design takes you from getting the concept right to choosing the perfect finishing touches for your outdoor space.Discover inspirational portfolios including modernist, sustainable, Japanese, urban, family, and cottage gardens. Marvel at 12 insightful case studies of RHS award-winning show gardens, each analysed through a double-page photograph. With a handy visual dictionary and coverage of all the latest gardening trends, this unique gardening guide combines style with substance to help you tackle a full garden makeover or a simple revamp!It’s the perfect gift for beginner or experienced gardeners or garden design students.

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