The Beautiful Bureaucrat | Helen Phillips

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In cazul în care plasezi o comanda cu livrarea In Romania, prin curier rapid, cu valoare mai mare de 150 de lei, livrarea este gratuita. Poti opta pentru livrarea prin Easybox.

48,00 lei

SKU: CE1992243

If the job market hadn’t been so bleak during that long, humid summer, Josephine might have been discouraged from taking the administrative position in a windowless building in a remote part of town.As the days inch by and the files stack up, Josephine feels increasingly anxious in her surroundings – the drone of keyboards echoes eerily down the long halls, her boss has terrible breath, and there are cockroaches in the bath of her sublet. When one evening her husband Joseph disappears and then returns, offering no explanation as to his whereabouts, her creeping unease shifts decidedly to dread.Both chilling and poignant, this novel asks the biggest questions about marriage and fidelity, birth and death. Helen Phillips twists the world we know and shows it back to us full of meaning and wonder – luminous and new.

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