The Food Lover’s Handbook | Mark Price
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85,00 lei
In this beautifully illustrated handbook, food expert Mark Price shines the spotlight on 40 of the most popular foods – from everyday items like tea, coffee and cheese, to luxury products like caviar and chocolate. A timely and topical guide for foodies and everyday shoppers, this book dispels unhelpful food myths and provides fact-based, unbiased accounts of where food comes from, the morals behind different production methods, and why prices and taste vary. This book will equip readers and shoppers with the tools they need to be able to make informed decisions about what to buy and how much to spend.Standing apart from subjective discussions about taste, and debates around health and nutrition, this book clearly and concisely explains why the cheapest to the most expensive foods cost what they do.Peppered throughout with first-hand experience and anecdotes, Mark Price goes back to the origins of these items, their historical significance and perceived value in today’s society, and advice on the products you should `try before you die’!
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