The Gentleman’s Handbook | Alfred Tong
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78,00 lei
There’s never been a tougher time to be a gentleman. In addition to the general vulgarity of the modern world, he has to contend with all manner of things: the dramas of social media, the practicalities of being metrosexual and still taken seriously at work, and juggling finances in these cash strapped times. Or does he? Who is this man who is seen slipping with ease between the office and the smartest parties, dressed in the most elegant clothes, oozing charisma and cool? Why, he is a man of style and taste. Alfred Tong shares his insider tips with every aspiring gentleman, from what to wear and how to keep your clothes looking in top shape, to which jobs to chase after and how to plan the perfect romantic evening, all without breaking the bank. This new edition features a revised cover by Jack Hughes, who has also stylishly illustrated the interior pages of the book. This is the essential companion for the modern gentleman.
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