The Hormone Myth | Robyn Stein DeLuca
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83,00 lei
It’s time for women to reject the „hormone myth” and own their emotions in a healthy and realistic way. This provocative book exposes pervasive myths about women’s hormones and shows how flawed, obsolete research and sexism have combined to keep women „in their place.”Although the idea that women become raving lunatics when their hormones fluctuate is firmly entrenched in American culture-images of hormone-crazed women are prominent on TV and in movies, books, and magazines-a thorough examination of the evidence overwhelmingly tells us otherwise. This book will confront the pervasive myth that women are at the mercy of their reproductive hormones, and illustrate how the perpetuation of this stereotype harms women.Scientific evidence shows that the majority of women do not experience major mental or physical symptoms linked to their hormones. Rather, much of women’s supposed „irrationality” can be attributed to environmental factors and the cultural and social realities of being a woman in the Western world.With a thorough exploration of women’s hormonal lives, from the initiation of menstruation through menopause, The Hormone Myth will help you reject the negative stereotype of the hormone-crazed woman and gain an appreciation for the natural changes that occur over time.
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