The Know-Nonsense Guide to Money | Heidi Fiedler

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58,00 lei

SKU: CE2330642

Full of fun and funny illustrations, The Know-Nonsense Guide to Money will explain the basics of saving, spending, and other lessons in ways that kids will understand.Fuzzy on finances? Bamboozled by banks, budgets, and bitcoins? Perplexed by the difference between debit and credit cards? The Know-Nonsense Guide to Money has your back on all things financial, fiscal, and flummoxing!This easy-to-read guide is packed with simple definitions, memorable examples, and funny illustrations to make the way we use currency throughout the world something anyone can understand. With each turn of the page you’ll learn a new basic concept about money, including earning, saving, spending, and borrowing, and will also discover the tools needed to develop good money-management habits. With a lighthearted approach, The Know-Nonsense Guide to Money turns serious and important topics into concepts that are approachable and fun for everyone. You’ll love learning so much, you might even laugh out loud!

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