There Are No Grown-ups | Pamela Druckerman
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38,00 lei
There are no grown-ups. Everyone else is winging it too.Does it ever feel like everyone – except you – is a bona-fide adult? Do you wonder how real grown-ups get to be so mysteriously capable and wise? When she turns 40, Pamela Druckerman wonders whether her mind will ever catch up with her face.With frank personal stories and witty maxims, Druckerman hilariously navigates the unexplored zone between young and not-so-young. There Are No Grown-Ups is a midlife coming-of-age story, a quest for wisdom, self-knowledge and the right pair of pants. It’s a book for readers of all ages about – finally – becoming yourself.You know you’re in your forties when…· You become impatient while scrolling down to your year of birth.· Your parents have stopped trying to change you. · You don’t want to be with the cool people anymore; you want to be with your people.· You know that ‘Soul mate’ isn’t a pre-existing condition. It’s earned over time.· You know there are no grown-ups. Everyone is winging it, some just do it more confidently.
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