Travel Origami | Cindy Ng
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In her new book, Travel Origami, author Cindy Ng combines her passion for origami with her love of travel. She shows you how to take the paper souvenirs you collect from postcards to street maps and turn them into artful memories that can last a lifetime. Whether you are a world traveller or a local vacationer with a fondness for the odd and quirky detour, these easy-to-fold origami projects are fun to make and fabulous to display in your home. The foolproof step-by-step instructions show you how to fold your paper collections into special items you can wear, carry, hang on your wall, or give to a traveling companion as a special keepsake. Turn a souvenir paper bag into a clever lampshade Fold that museum brochure into a photo frame instead of throwing it away Make funky jewellery out of candy wrappers and comic strips Build a wreath from your favorite postcards Travel Origami is the perfect way to stretch your adventures into hours of memorymaking fun while reminiscing with family and friends.
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