Vows & Honor | Mercedes Lackey

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58,00 lei

SKU: CE2324165

Born of the Clan of the Hawk, Tarma saw her entire tribe slain by brigands. Vowing blood revenge upon the murderers, she became one of the sword-sworn, the most elite of all warriors. Trained in all forms of death-dealing combat, she took to the road in search of her enemies.Born to a noble house and sold into a hateful „marriage”, Kethry fled life’s harshness for the sanctuary of the White Winds, a powerful school of sorcery. Unlike other sorcerers, Kethry could use wordly weapons as well as magical skills. And when she became bearer of a uniquely magical sword that drew her to those in need, Kethry was led to a fateful meeting with Tarma.Vows and Honor chronicles the adventures of Tarma and Kethry, swordswoman and sorceress, bound by a blood oath to carry on their mutual fight against evil. Together they will set forth to fulfill a destiny neither could have imagined…

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