Willpower | Ros Taylor
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67,00 lei
Whip your self-control into shapeWillpower is the handbook you need for success in all areas of your life. Regardless of what you want to achieve, you need the strength to persevere, forge ahead and keep going no matter how tough it gets. If you find that you allow weakness to take control of getting what you want in life, then you need this book.Written by an expert psychologist and executive coach, these proven techniques are the missing ingredient for your new life of success.Learn the skills that lead to stronger willpowerDevelop new positive habits in just three weeksOvercome obstacles and break through barriersFind the success you want, and hold on to it long-termResearchers have found that willpower is a better predictor of life and work success than IQ. It’s the skill that keeps you moving ahead, blowing past barriers and smashing through any obstacle that dares threaten your progress. It may be the most important skill you ever learn, and your most valuable tool for personal and professional success.
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