Wisdom of the Ancients | Neil Oliver

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110,00 lei

SKU: CE858984764

From the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places comes this inspiring and beautifully written meditation on the wisdom inherited from our ancestors.For all we have gained in the modern world, simple peace of mind is hard to find. In a time that is increasingly fraught with complexity and conflict, we are told that our wellbeing relies on remaining as present as possible. But what if the key to being present lies in the past?In Wisdom of the Ancients, Neil Oliver takes us back in time, to grab hold of the ideas buried in forgotten cultures and early civilizations. From Laetoli footprints in Tanzania to Keralan rituals, stone circles and cave paintings, Oliver takes us on a global journey through antiquity. A master storyteller, drawing on immense knowledge of our ancient past, he distils this wisdom into twelve messages that have endured the test of time, and invites us to consider how these might apply to our lives today. The result is powerful and inspirational, moving and profound.Neil Oliver is a Scottish archaeologist, historian, broadcaster and writer who has become widely known as the presenter of BBC television’s flagship 10-part series A History of Scotland.Before that his distinctive style was much in evidence as a charismatic presenter of the award-winning multi-part documentary series Coast and the author of its bestselling tie-in book.His archaeological training at Glasgow University was put to good use in BBC2’s series Two Men in a Trench where he visited historic British battlefields and attempted to recreate the events of each battle. He co-wrote the two accompanying books. He has also appeared as a contributor on The One Show, and as a presenter on The History Detectives, Time Team and Channel 4’s The Face of Britain. His Amazing Tales for Making Me Out of Boys is published by Penguin. He lives in Stirling with his wife and three children.

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